Any employer meeting both of the following qualifications is eligible:
There are no excluded industries.
Coverage under this plan will apply only to the employees who work within the geographic boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco and who are subject to the Health Care Security Ordinance.
All eligible employees subject to the Ordinance must be covered by the plan and the employer must pay the entire premium.
All employees who are in Active Service2 working an average of 8 or more hours3 per week in San Francisco and who have completed 90 days of employment with the employer are eligible.
The only exception is employees who have coverage through another employer (either as an employee or a dependent) may voluntarily decline coverage. Coverage under an individual policy does not qualify. A special “Waiver” form, signed by the employee, is required by the City from any employee who is subject to the Health Care Security Ordinance and for whom the employer is not making the required contributions.
The Health Care Security Ordinance applies only to employees who are subject to the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 12R of the San Francisco Administrative Code). Contributions, therefore, are not required for owners of a business.
There are no health questions or other qualification requirements.
Coverage is not available for dependents.
The benefits for which an employee is insured are determined by the class (determined by average hours worked) to which he or she is assigned by the employer: