AGU distributes the products it administers exclusively through independent agents and brokers. This section provides information and tools for our distribution partners. The AGU San Francisco Limited Accident & Sickness Indemnity Plan addresses a unique need and situation requiring particular expertise. To assist brokers and facilitate marketing and sales, AGU will work with brokers and coordinate efforts to present the AGU San Francisco Limited Accident & Sickness Indemnity Plan compliance solution to businesses subject to the Health Care Security Ordinance.
Here you can:
Mail or Fax To: | |
Affinity Group Underwriters, Inc. Attn: Lori Mills 4510 Cox Road Suite 111 Glen Allen, VA 23060 FAX: (804) 273-9989 | |
Group Application signed by the employer |
List of employees enrolling1 on the policy effective date, including:
Agent Appointment Paperwork(if not already appointed) – note: forms and instructions are available in the Appointment section below |
1 Initial employee enrollment data can be provided:
For information about enrollment procedures after the policy effective date, additions and terminations and monthly premium self-reporting, see Administration on the website or contact AGU. |
In most states, appointment paper work should be submitted along with the first group application. The exceptions are: Delaware, DC, Georgia, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina and Pennsylvania where pre-appointment is required by law. | |
In order to be appointed and receive commissions, an agency must submit the following items
Under no circumstances will compensation be paid to any entity not licensed in a state where this insurance is solicited. Compensation will only be paid when the appropriate licensing and appointment requirements have been completed. Renewal fees for appointments are paid by ACE USA. |
All appointment questions and/or paperwork should be addressed to: Lindsay Hetrick Affinity Group Underwriters 4510 Cox Road, Ste. 111 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Toll-free: 877-673-9797 Fax: 804-273-9989 Email: |