Looking for health insurance? We can help point you in the right direction.

We’re often asked if the National Press Club’s member benefits program offers group health insurance.

Unfortunately, the answer is “no”.  With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, association group plans health plans could no longer offer any substantial advantage over individual coverage.

If you do not have access to an employer group health plan, we recommend that you first look at obtaining coverage through your state’s official ACA facility.  These are often referred to as  the “marketplace” or the “exchange”.

In the DMV area, go to:

Be careful, though, to make sure you are at the official government-sponsored state marketplace website. Other websites use similar-sounding names to lure in prospective customers.

The best way to know you are at the right place is to ask if they offer subsidies to help afford the insurance.  Financial support is only available through government websites.

In many cases, you will be able to figure out your options by yourself.  Two sources of advice are offered, however, by the exchanges, neither of which will charge you for their services:

  • Navigators – work for the exchange on salary. They can guide you through the website but cannot, by law, recommend one insurance carrier or plan over another.
  • Agents – are independent and represent you, not the exchange or the insurance company. Agents are licensed by the state to sell and service health insurance. They are paid a commission by the insurance company for their work.  Unlike Navigators, agents are qualified to and can recommend companies and plans that will fit your needs.

While we are licensed agents with long expertise in health insurance, we have chosen not to seek certification to sell directly through the marketplaces primarily because of the red tape involved.

If you cannot get the advice you feel you need, we offer members a health insurance consulting service.

We can advise you in selecting and obtaining your own individual or family coverage through the exchange, or in some cases, off-exchange.  Our standard, one-time fee for this service is $1,000 but as a member, it is reduced to $500.

We will be happy to answer your general questions about health insurance without any charge.  Please email Steve Wyss at or call 804.273.9797.